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Luxurious contemporary style living room decoration

Bespoke Accent Designing | Ornamental Furniture Rebranding
Styling | Travel Designer

Make Your Dream Space A Reality

Eliminate the dullness, gloominess, confusion, and carelessness in your interior styling now.  

Give yourself a space that brings you more happiness, improved emotional, mental health, and increased productivity...
with a pop of luxury.


A subsidiary of Blockbuster Experience providing luxurious interior styling for Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and beyond.

Spaces We Style

Residential Spaces:

Rental apartments

Business Spaces:

and More


Corporate Spaces:

Law firms
Medical clinics
And more


Interior Styling Solutions We Do

Blockbuster Experience gives you interior styling that deliver high level aesthetic pleasure. Our designs offer a wide variety of options for floors, walls, and ceilings .

Rental friendly design concepts

Our rental friendly concepts cater to rental spaces. They are easily taken down with no damage to the surface, giving you peace of mind when you need to move out of the space.

Evergreen design Concepts

Our evergreen designs option is long-lasting  and are more on the permanent side.

Luxurrious European style living room decoration

Who Needs Our Interior Styling Solutions?



Real Estate Investors

Home Owners




How Do You Benefit?

You increase sales by  raising the rating of your hotels or Airbnb apartments by attracting  high-value guests.

You raise the perception of  your  business or organization in your guests' and customers' hearts, and consolidate your  business or organization's brand identity.

You live and spend time in the space of your dreams.

You have more  happiness, improved emotional and mental health which raise your productivity.

You have increased confidence and pride to host families members and friends.

You have  confidence to participate in  remote meetings.

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